AGM and Christmas Party a success despite the Weather

The 2023 Hollowshore CC AGM and Christmas Party was another success, with around 30 members braving the bitter weather and poor visibility to attend – although one couple texted their apologies as they were stuck in a tail-back on the A2 caused by an accident in the foggy conditions. Minutes will appear later on the website, but here are some of the main points:
Commodore Mark Sanders welcomed members and said the club had enjoyed another good season of sailing for many. We were not just a sailing and cruising club, but very much a social club. There had been a full programme of club events through the Spring, leading up to the cruises, and he thanked cruise organisers Chris Lovering, David Welch and Bob Todd.
Following the sailing we returned to social events, and there was an excellent entertainment evening, thanks to Jon Bloice, Mary and The Rockets, and to Alan Thorne and Phil Thorne for their “Old School Blues” session.
“The committee have already prepared the diary for 2024 and are open to any suggestions for evening talk subjects that could be added or slotted in, as the social side of the club has become fundamental to the success of the club,” said Mark.

Treasurer Carole Grater said that this year the club made an excess of just over £1,000, achieved by the efforts of the committee, volunteers and continuing support from all the members. 
We had £40,000 saved in a One Year Fixed Savings Account and £15,000 in an Instant Access Savings Account.  She had recommended our investment be increased next February to £50,000, leaving £5,000 in Instant Access to cover unexpected expenditure. This would raise between £1,500 and £2,000 interest depending on the rate in February.
For the coming year, £12,000 was budgeted for Income, including interest, and £10,500 in overheads. This would mean an excess of income by the end of October 2024 of £1,500.
“Of course, this will only be achieved by the continuing support from you the members and by the hard work of our volunteers,” said Carole.
There were 111 paying members, and a total 191 with partners.
Rear Commodore and Bosun Bob Todd thanked all the volunteers who came twice this year to clean and tidy up and weed outside, and he asked if anyone saw anything that needed attention to please let him know. Carpets and chairs had been cleaned, but it highlighted that the chairs were getting quite old, and next year the committee would look at the cost of refurbishment or replacement.
As a club, members had few “duties”, but one was staffing the bar on Sundays. He encouraged newer members to come along to volunteer, and there was now a bar roster on the noticeboard for the entire year awaiting names. He recalled how intimidating it sounded when he first took on bar duty, but he assured volunteers they would be mentored and after the first- time things became easier. Anyone interested should speak to him.

Committee and subscriptions:There were no new nominations for officers or committee, and the existing committee members were re-elected en bloc. The meeting also accepted their recommendation to leave subscriptions unchanged at £55. Rod Akhurst had agreed to continue as Accounts Reviewer, and the treasurer thanked him for all his work. Dick Holness, Mike Perkins and Mark Sanders agreed to continue as Trustees. Lesley Jameson and Terry and Glenis Young are Honorary Members.
Awards for club’s Round-Britain sailors

WINNERS of the club’s main awards were announced, three of them going to Round-Britain sailors Simon and Sharon Harding (see the HCC website, under News, for more details of the trip on their gaffer Cygnet of London).
Their awards: the Lucent Pot, for the best log, the Psyche Trophy, for greatest number of ports visited (46), and the Hollowshore Cup, for the highest number of logged miles (1,769). The awards were presented by Social Secretary Beryl Brooke.
The Ron Lintott Trophy awarded to a skipper for a first crossing of the Channel, went to Jon Bloice in Layla, and Peter Flower (Cloudy Bay) logged 731 nautical miles single-handed to win the Bryan Hills-Johnes Memorial Shield.
There was a huge round of applause when Beryl Brooke was named winner of the Viking Cup for Member of the Year, an award by the committee, for supporting the club with energy and commitment and pulling the team together to ensure events went without a hitch.
And there were cheers, too, for Freda Rigden, one of three members to have reached the 90-Year milestone. She was still sailing and was “an inspiration to us all”, said the Commodore.

Mike Riches, secretary.

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